DEKO Ranch, previously known as Clappsaddle Farms, was bought by Ted DeKowzan in 2016. Ted purchased the ranch from Wilbur Flachman, a retired newspaper/magazine publisher also known to his friends as Bufford T. Clappsaddle.
Ted DeKowzan was born and raised in Colorado. From a young age, he always had a love for animals and the western lifestyle. Growing up Ted would help on his grandfather’s ranch where he gained respect for the land and open space. During high school Ted would spend his summers working on a ranch in Elizabeth, CO. Part of his job responsibilities was to wrap the steer’s horns for others to rope. Rather than leaving at the end of his day Ted convinced the ranch owner and his friends to teach him how to team rope. He was immediately hooked and roping had now become a lifelong hobby. Unfortunately, roping took a backseat while Ted attended college at the Colorado School of Mines. While attending college he managed a horse boarding facility. Ted was likely the only CSM student who would arrive to tests in overalls after a morning spent mucking stalls. Upon graduation Ted was desperate to become reacquainted with his true passion of team roping and immediately began competing again. Owning a ranch and a roping facility had become a lifelong dream where he could share his passion with new and old friends alike. Ted is very excited for the opportunity to share his passion with others and for the future of DEKO Ranch.